A Profile of the Arrupe Graduate at Graduation
Based on the work of the Jesuit Schools Network (JSN), this profile "...identifies those qualities which seem most desirable not only for this threshold period, but those which seem most desirable for adult life. These six general categories sum up the many aspects or areas of life most in accord with a full adult living of the Christ life."
Open to Growth

The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit High School is confident, inquisitive, reflective, motivated, and flexible. She/he views learning as a life-long pursuit, inside and outside the classroom. The graduate always strives for success, but is also aware that failure is an important part of learning and maturity. The graduate knows that an understanding of and deep appreciation for one's self and one's background are essential to a full life. Moreover, the graduate sees this self-awareness as the basis for any further growth. This appreciation of one's own background naturally compels the graduate to have constant respect for and openness to other people's cultures, religions, experiences and socioeconomic backgrounds. Ultimately, the Arrupe Jesuit graduate learns to seek out new challenges and opportunities to enrich her/his experience or perspective, be it religiously, socially, culturally, emotionally, or intellectually.

The Arrupe Jesuit graduate has a sincere and deep sense of God's presence and love in her/his life. The graduate understands that he/she was created for a unique purpose which awaits fulfillment in this life and the next. Such a realization compels the graduate of Arrupe Jesuit to be an active participant in his/her own faith journey, and to be ever reliant on prayer and reflection on Christ's example for guidance and development. The Arrupe Jesuit graduate maintains a deep understanding of the Church's teachings and the Good News, and relies on these as the basis for strong moral and ethical judgments. He/she participates in his/her parish and views the Church as a source of strength. The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit appreciates the rich religious gifts of his/her family, community and culture and is also eager to build on those gifts in an ever deepening and personal way.
Intellectually Competent

The Arrupe Jesuit graduate has a firm foundation in the liberal arts, which is necessary for further study, as well as a mastery of critical thinking skills. The graduate constantly thinks across disciplines and cultures, always maintaining a deep respect for wisdom and truth. The graduate is able to express herself/himself effectively, and, as a young ambassador of culture, the graduate seeks the challenges and growth opportunities that diversity brings. The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit is capable of engaging with all types of work and pedagogy at the college level and is also prepared to educate herself/himself outside of the classroom. The graduate wonders about the world around her/him and is in the habit of analyzing the problems and questions that one may encounter. The Arrupe Jesuit graduate is expected to assume enthusiastically her/his role as a life-long learner who savors the rich opportunities that the world provides, and who truly owns her/his education by helping others to learn as well.

The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit belives that he/she is truly loved by God. This love is made manifest in the beauty of creation and the love of the people around him/her. The graduate sees loving relationships with others as the foundation of a Christian life. He/she has a healthy love of self, rooted in deep self-respect and confidence in his/her own gifts and talents. This love of self enables the graduate to move towards true and meaningful love for others. The graduate is aware that a full life involves loving other human beings as much as one's self, and he/she values the uniqueness of each relationship. The graduate sees his/her own way of loving as a response to God's gifts and heeds the call to demonstrate that love through service and dedication to others. The graduate is generous with his/her time and talents, and strives to share his/her gifts with others. The graduate knows that respect, trust and fidelity are the basis of any loving relationship, and that love, for God and for another person, requires him/her to give without asking anything in return.
Committed to Justice

The Arrupe Jesuit graduate is keenly aware of injustice and prejudice and gives of herself/himself in service to others because she/he believes in the dignity and equality of all people. The graduate believes in herself/himself and in her/his cultural heritage. The graduate works for and with the impoverished, the unfairly treated, and those who are without representation, both locally and globally. As a leader and role model, she/he speaks out, and when necessary she/he takes action. Experienced in service, the Arrupe Jesuit graduate heeds the call of the Gospel to effect change and sees service as a gift to self, not only to others. The graduate is ready to lead, especially by example. The graduate understands that some of life's most worthwhile endeavors are neither easy nor comfortable. The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit also believes that justice is necessary for equality, respect, and love.
Work Experienced

Through the Arrupe Jesuit High School Corporate Work Study Program, the Arrupe Jesuit graduate has learned to be a dependable, responsible worker of integrity with high ethical standards. The Arrupe Jesuit graduate has participated in the professional culture of the workplace and has begun to explore his/her own potential. The Arrupe Jesuit graduate is personable and effective team player who is a confident self-starter as well as respectful and respectable. The graduate has learned the value of work both in the rewards it produces and in the self-satisfaction it allows one to attain. The graduate of Arrupe Jesuit has learned to see work as an invitation to participate in the creative and salvific work of our God "as One who labors" on our behalf. Work offers the opportunity to discover and demonstrate personal talent - both as stewards and as leaders - and encourages growth. This stewardship implies the responsibility to use all resources wisely for the good of others and the greater glory of God. As a future leader in the workplace, the Arrupe Jesuit graduate recognizes the dignity of work, its integral connection to justice, and the choices he/she has to create a better society.