Alex & Alexis Torres Ortiz, AJHS Class of 2021

Alex Torres Ortiz, Class of 2021
"The Corporate Work Study Program at Arrupe Jesuit was one of the greatest blessings in my life. I heard constantly how much people were impressed by arrupe students. At work, my coworkers said that their children would never be able to work at a corporate setting at such a young age. Arrupe students do. They learn professionalism, critical work skills, social skills, and still manage their academics and home lives. It is truly incredible how much you can gain from CWSP."

Alexis Torres Ortiz, Class of 2021
“I like our Corporate Work Study Program because it gives us experience that no other high school student will get. We have been put in a corporate environment since freshman year. The work study program gives us a really strong foundation when we are looking for future jobs and internships when we graduate from high school. Being able to work at multiple companies allows you to have a better understanding of what you want to do in the future.”